Boat owners sometimes want their generators to start automatically to ensure batteries do not discharge below a certain state of charge. This state of charge calculation is sometimes done by a device like a Victron CerboGx. The Victron CerboGx provides contacts on a relay to initiate starting and stopping of a generator. This Sieltec ASG-1 Victron CerboGx Generator Control Interface sits between the CerbogGX (or similar) and the generator and converts the relay contacts to start and stop pulses required to start and stop the generator.
The simply normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC) contacts of the relay are connected to the AGS-1 with a 3 core cable. The AGS-1 senses the start and stop command and provides the pulses to control the generator.
It does not detect the conditions for autostarting. It does not monitor generator status. It simply converts the contact closure of the remote start relay to a format the generator can understand. It is easilly programmed and provide a neat interface between the starting device and the generator.
By using this basic interface board, the relay output from the CerboGX can be used to start and stop a generator that requires distinct start and stop pulses. This is typical of an Onan Cummins or a Kohler marine diesel genset.
Typicaly the interface is connected to a Victron CerboGx relay 1 . The common is fed with 5 volts from AGS-1 and the NO contact goes to "start" input and the NC contact goes to the "stop" input. Power is provided to the input of the AGS-1. Any voltage from 9-35 volts is within specification.
This board helps make the interface between generator and CerboGx very simple. Pulse lengths are programmable and minimum sparation between start and stop pulses is also programmable through a very simple programming menu.
The device can be disabled with one front push button press and the generator can be manually started and stopped from the AGS-1 to confirm connections are correct after installation.
This is a typical installation on a Princess Motor Yacht with a Cummins generator. The autostart feature is used on the Victron CerboGX and the relay contacts signal the AGS-1 to provide the appropriate pulses to start or stop the generator. Simply power the AGS-1 from the same power source as the CerboGX.
1. Q. does this interface work for all generators?
A. No, some generators do not requrie any timer facility for start and stop.
2. Q. Can I disable the automatic function from the front panel?
A. Yes, the interface has a button dedicated to disable/enable.
3. Q. Can the interface handle both 12 and 24 volt sytems?
A. Yes, it can handle both voltage standards.
4. Q. Can I get assistance to ensure I am buying the right product?
A. Yes, simply make contact and we can provide that guidance.
5. Q. Does the board draw much electrical current?
A. No, when the board is waiting for a command it draws negligable power.
6. Q. Does the OLED display dim?
A. Yes, after 1 hour it turns off. With any button push or any command it turns back on for another hour.
7. Q. My start and stop pulses are required on the one wire. Can this unit be used?
A. Yes, simply join the output of the start and stop outputs.
AGS-1 User Manual Issue 1.0 (pdf)